Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Thing #2

My Thoughts on Web 2.0

Back in the days of high school, I remember wanting a computer so bad. Windows95 had an awesome release party all over the news featuring the Rolling Stones, and here I was creating all my high school masterpieces using my infamous Brother typewriter. Alas, my family was too poor to purchase a computer. How I envied those that could cut and paste, while I had to physically erase with a pencil eraser. Those were the days...jk

10 years later and I'm already on my second long term relationship with a Dell XPS laptop computer. Wow, a lot happens in just ten years time. Come to think of it, a lot happens in just a year's time, a few month's time. The computer world is rapidly changing as technology improves. Information is posted everywhere, so much that it can become overwhelming trying to sort out reliable info from some not so reliable sources.

Web 2.0 is a fantastic resource for collaborating; this application of knowledge ensures lifelong learning. Thus, classroom teachers should embrace all the web has to offer. Students need to be engaged through today's technology, since they will be responsible for using these tools to create tomorrow's inventions.

Preparing our students for beyond graduation includes proper technology training. Blogs, wikis, and podcasting can all be used as resource materials for kids. The more they are exposed to content and contribute to that content, the more engaged they are in their own education. Not to mention, these types of communication save many a tree (inner tree hugger coming out) and much time (inner procrastinator coming out). :)

I hope to use a blog, wiki, and eventually create a website with an active discussion board for my biology kids. I believe this will reinforce key objectives while preparing them for what awaits them in the real world. I also think constant feedback from the kids will, in turn, help streamline my lessons to their current pace and allow me to revisit any misconceptions they have over the course material. This would empower me to be an effective teacher that's on the ball and has the respect and trust of my students.

Thing #1

Reviewing the 7.5 Habits of a Lifelong Learner...

Honestly, I can't say I've embraced the 7.5 habits in my 29 years. High school was easy for me, straight A student, top of the class, went to college and breezed through my first year since most was a repeat of my high school coursework. Then came my sophomore year in college, and all of a sudden, my procrastination ways ceased their magic. I soon learned my study skills were not up to par and I was no longer cruising down easy street. I ran into myself as an obstacle! It took quite a while, but I finally saw the "light" and improved my learning skills.

This past year was my first year teaching and I've learned that textbooks, worksheets, and powerpoints bore kids in 2.0 seconds flat! I'm here to learn and utilize fun, tech savvy ways that will keep my students engaged and excited about coming to my class every day. I hope to prepare them for beyond high school and instill in them a great work ethic. That way they will not be sadly let down by procrastination like I was.

The toughest habit for me is the first one. Seeing the bigger picture, having the end in mind has not been my forte in the past. I was very much a "what do I need to know now" person, thus all the knowledge I gained was never applied. And without application, it gets lost and has to constantly be retaught. Yuck! But I'm improving, and this course is one of many steps in the right direction.

The easiest habit will be having my own learning toolbox. I have a lot of great resources, all easily accessible. The help is out there, I just have to put forth the effort and ignore my procrastinating ways. I love technology and catch on fairly quickly. I'm always game to expanding my toolbox - I'm already eying Google's Sketch Up as a replacement for Photoshop and Gimp.

Finally, teaching and mentoring others will be the most important habit to me during this course and my lifetime. Sharing and teaching my knowledge with other teachers and students is APPLICATION! Applications is lifelong learning. Lifelong learning is a HAPPY me! :)