Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thing #20

Google Docs (revisited)

I've actually already sat through a faculty roll-in session covering google docs AND a staff development covering it too! So maybe I'm thinking of turning Pro soon. :)

Google docs is cool, although it did take a while to get adjusted to after being spoiled with Office 2007 (well worth the $100). But given it's ease of use and availability it is a good candidate for high school students. They can keep their files online at all times without losing their media, don't have to worry about compatibility when printing, and no longer have an excuse for not getting their work done.

It's not as powerful as ofice, but the word editor is good. The presentation tool is also esy to use, format, add pics, etc. What I like best though is the spreadsheet being used as an online survey. It's instant gratification for burning questions! I also like how the documents can be shared, calendars can be shared, and websites can be created too!

Three good ideas for using google docs are listed here:

1. Writing science fair research papers. Students can easily switch between delicious and google doc windows to write their paper. They can share their papers with others for peer review/editing by allowing permissions and track changes ALWAYS!

2. Group work presentations can help the kids presesnt to the class what they've learned about a particular science topic. As a group they can all log on to the school computers and make real time changes as they work, then take it home and work on it individually still in real time.

3. I can use the spreadsheet ool to make surveys for the kids to fill out. Surveys such as what I can do to help them learn better, how do they think they are doing in class, what resources/special needs do they have.

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