Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thing #9

Playing in the sand is not my forte. I don’t like sand in my shoes, between my toes, or in my car. I’m also not a fan of the wikispaces generator. I do like the idea of a wiki, but after having used this generator, I gained a headache and there wasn’t any Excedrin in the house. The text editor was not very powerful, and often confusing. I love WYSIWYG, and I’m usually pretty good at knocking out computer tasks fairly easy, but this editor was a pain. Surely there is a better one out there??? Anyone???

Perhaps I’m just spoiled in the world of flash and shockwave media, but my wiki was rather drab and boring. If I had stumbled upon it just surfing the web, I probably would have surfed on by without giving it a second glance. Wikipedia also does not have a lot of flash media, but is still visually somewhat more appealing than the space I made. Maybe I just need some more elbow grease?

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